Past events, Classes & offerings


Personal Development Through The Tarot

This class was offered at Mountain Mystic Company in Front Royal for 3 years, 2017-2019. We gathered monthly for and the content of this class varied from month to month, dictated by the astrological weather, season, and general needs of the group. The class was open to all levels of expertise.

Tarot Manifestation workshop

This workshop highlighted the symbolism in Tarot cards and how to use them in your manifestation practice to integrate the life you desire. We discussed ways of accessing the transformative archetypal energies available through the Tarot. We also used the symbolism of Tarot to unlock areas of challenge that may have been blocking our manifestation abilities, and we worked with specific cards to anchor what it is that we wanted to embody. This workshop took place at Raven’s Nest Coffee House in Culpeper on February 9, 2019.

Magickal Woman: Lunar manifestation

Magical Woman was a workshop about Ritual Herbalism for the Moon Goddess Within. We focused on creating ritual in our lives for empowerment and manifestation- using the moon as our guide incorporating the power of plant magick. Focal points of the day were : creating sacred space, setting divine intention, phases of the moon- harnessing the moon’s energy, plant magick, moon goddesses, and creating effective ritual. At the end of the workshop each student received a specialized ritual kit to cleanse their sacred space and invite the moon to do her magick! This took place at Wild Roots Apothecary in Sperryville, VA on March 18, 2018.

Tarot Immersion

This was an intensive day long, deep dive into the entire Tarot deck! this Immersion took place at Wild Roots Apothecary in Sperryville, VA on February 17, 2018.

Wisdomkeeper Core Immersion

An 8 month journey through the entire Tarot deck and so much more. Exploring and developing intuition while learning the art of Tarot reading, was the intention of this course. We went through the 78 cards in the deck, focused on how to give readings and establish healthy energetic boundaries. A workbook and handouts were provided, as well as access to the private Wisdomkeepers Facebook Group, as to remain connected between classes. This class took place at Pranapiloga in Culpeper, VA from March - October 2019.

Wisdomkeeper Mentorship program

This program gave you access to the Mountain Mystic monthly classes, as well as the Immersion Course at Pranapiloga. Weekly coaching calls and meetups with Cara, and Reiki Level 1-3 Training was also included.

Usui Reiki Workshops

Reiki Levels 1 - 3 taught many times in many locations over the years.

Vision Board workshops

at Flourish Root.

Soulful Serenity series

These were a series of Women’s Empowerment Retreats we took part in at LeFay Cottage in Little Washington, VA.

connecting with the faeries

flower essence making Workshops

At LeFay Cottage & Flourish Root Floral Studios