about Cara

Cara is a Reiki Master Teacher, Herbalist, Licensed Massage Therapist, and passionate reader of the Tarot. She is the owner of Abracadabra Massage & Wellness in Sperryville, Virginia, where she operates a healing arts collective with her colleagues offering a wide variety of services. Cara’s goal is to teach and learn all of the fabulous metaphysical and healing arts available to us. In order to learn, we teach, and visa versa.

Cara has studied mysticism all her life, with a focus on tarot, ritual magick, and alchemy. She was influenced by her father who was an amateur astrologer, and a keeper of esoteric wisdom and knowledge. His favorite divination tool was the I-Ching. Cara has fond memories of perusing her father’s bookshelves as a kid, and has made a study of personal transformation her life’s work. Cara’s adolescent years found her surrounded by lifelong friends whose hippy moms were fond of new age thinking, crystals, tarot cards and the like. She received her first tarot deck when she was 14, the Motherpeace.

In 2008, Cara received her Bachelor of Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysical Sciences in Arcata, CA. She received her massage therapy certification from the Virginia School of Massage in Charlottesville, VA in 2009. Cara received all her Usui Reiki training, Levels 1-3, and her Holy Fire Reiki Mastership, with Eka Kapiotis of Blue Skies Wellness. In addition, Cara apprenticed with Teresa Boardwine, RH in 2012, and has completed the Foundations of Medicinal Herbalism, Herbal Apothecary, and Herbal Energetics Clinical training courses at Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine in Castleton, VA. She was the apothecary assistant at Green Comfort in 2015-2016. After Cara’s apprenticeship and work at the school, she went on to be the resident herbalist at Valley Green Naturals in Amissville, VA.

Cara lives in the beautiful mountain village of Sperryville, Virginia, with her son Max. Other names you may find her going by are Caracadabra and The Tattooed Herbalist. Cara is a healing artist who is available by appointment through Abracadabra Massage & Wellness. Distance healing, herbal consultations, creating custom herbal tonics, and tarot readings are all services she can offer remotely. For a full list of her offerings go here.

Photo Top Left by Rain Imagery